The West Wall (Siegfried Line) 1938-1945



The West Wall (Siegfried Line) 1938-1945

By Jean Denis Lepage

Size: 8.5″ x 11 Illustrations: numerous B&W illustrations Pages: 94 pages $19.95 soft cover

Tactics of the Norman Hedgerows (June-August 1944) By G.F.Nafziger

Size: 8.5″ x 11
Illustrations: 1 tactical map
Pages: 82 pages
$25 soft cover

This work was prepared based on US intelligence documents and lessons learned gathered during and after the Normandy campaign.  It discusses how the Germans operated in the hedgerows.  It provides accounts of American operations against those defenses.  It provides details on fighting in woods, tank destroyer tactics, anti-aircrafat tactics, air support, assaulting and fighting in towns, German deception tactics, German artillery tactics, and German armored tactics.  It also includes a number of German tables of organization and equipment listing the theoretical structure of German units down to the individual rifleman and his rifle.