THE WARS OF LOUIS XV, VOL. 21 (The French Army); By General de division Count Pajol, Translated by G.F.Nafziger
Size: 8.5” x 11”;
Illustrations: 9 color illustrations;
Pages: 125 ;
Price: $25 ;
This part of the series of books written by General de Pajol in 1881. It is one of the classic works of French literature and covers the Wars of the Austrian Succession and the Seven Years’ War. This particular volume covers the organization of the units of the French Army. It provides the dates raised, a partial list of its commanding officers, a short summary of the various battles and campaigns each unit participated in, and a description of the uniforms and flags. This particular volume covers the Maison du roi and all its units. It then goes through the line infantry discussing every line regiment that existed up to and had been raised before 1780.