OPERAT ION ROLLING THUNDER: The Project CHECO Reports March 19 65 to November 1968
An official US Military Document prepared by the U.S. Air Force Southeast Asia Team
Edited & Annotated by Roger R. Reynolds
Size: 8.5″ x 11″
Illustrations: 80+ B&W maps and photographs
Pages: 306
Price: $25
This official US Military document is a declassified, formerly TOP SECRET (NOFORN) study of the bombing campaign by the US against North Vietnam. It is a critical analysis of the US bombing campaign and its effectiveness against the North Vietnamese war effort. It does not discuss individual missions in any detail, but speaks to a high overview of operations, targeting selection and destruction; and some geo-political issues. It briefly discusses North Vietnamese air operations and the efforts of the USAF and USN aircraft to eliminate the Mig threat. It also provides tables of bomb damage assessments.