Sketch of Suvarov and His Last Campaign (1799 in Italy and Switzerland)



Sketch of Suvarov and His Last Campaign (1799 in Italy and Switzerland)
By Major Edward Nevil Mcreadyu  Translated by G.F. Nafziger

Size: 8.5″ x 11″
Illustrations: none
Pages: 101 pages
$25 soft cover

Marshal Suvorov was seen as the savior of the Holy Roman Empire. His military reputation was impeccable and impressive, having defeated both the Poles and the Turks. His horde swept into Italy and quickly recovered everything that Napoleon had conquered in 1796. He then turned north into Switzerland and the fates turned against him. Massena chased him through the Alpes and finally over the treacherous Panixer Pass. The sad remnants of his army limped back to Mother Russia and shortly later the proud marshal died.