OPERATION FRIDERICUS: The Soviet Offensive and German Counter-Offensive at the Iyzum Bulge, May 1942
by William Russ
Size: 8.5″ x 11″ perfect bound
Illustrations: 49 daily maps, 33 order of battle diagrams, and 16 B&W photographs
Pages: 252 pages
Price $25
This is an outstanding and highly detailed study of a battle fought on the Eastern Front in May 1942. It contains 49 daily maps showing how the operations flowed. This is supported by 33 order of battle diagrams that list all units involved in both armies as well as the numbers of tanks by type and unit. There are also technical details provided for all the types of tanks involved.
The author of this work has repeated the methods and style that he used in his other work: Case White (the 1 September 1939 invasion of Poland, also available on this site.)