German Armies’ Establishments 1914/18- Volume 6 – Signals and Air Forces
By Dirk Rottgardt
Size: 8″ x 11″
Illustrations: 105 B&W photographs.
Pages: 96 pages
$25, soft cover
These works provide the TO&Es for all German infantry units that were organized and used during WWI by the German Armies, including the Bavarian and units. Volume 1 covers all the the brigade, division, and corps staffs and the regular infantry regiments. Volume 2 covers the Landwehr, Landsturm, Jagers, Machine Gun Troops, Assault Battalions, and replacement troops. Further volumes on other units are planned.
Of particular note is Volume 6 Parts 1 and 2, which give the TO&E details for the German aircraft units and Volume 5, which contains the German armored units and trench mortar units, plus some addendums for earlier volumes.