Fortress War in France in 1815
by L. Blesson
Translated & Annotated by Dr. Dirk Rottgardt
Size: 8.5″ x 11″
Illustrations: 32
Pages: 196
Price $25.0o
While the armies fought at Waterloo in 1815, another battle was being fought along the eastern frontier of France by a Prussian corps against the fortresses that guarded the French border. This work covers all the sieges by the Prussian corps commanded by Prince August von Preussen. It was written by an engineering officer and, therefore, focuses heavily on the details of the siege operations. It is, in essence, a handbook of how to open a trench and how to besiege a fortress. As numerous technical details of fortresses are discussed, it was felt necessary to provide illustrations so the various structures that formed fortresses of the 17th and 18th centuries.